Search engine optimization is essential in today’s time for many reasons. With an effective SEO campaign, it is possible to draw the attention of people with perfection. Different websites need visitors for various reasons. An eCommerce website needs visitors who are interested in products or services that have been put up for selling on the website. A personal blog needs readers who shall read the contents and would leave their feedbacks. Overall, SEO is complicated, and based on the website and its motto, the SEO campaign has to be planned. If you want to conduct an SEO campaign for Magento based eCommerce store, you can find a guide in the following section.
A Guide to Magento Based Web Store
Before we delve deeper with Magento eCommerce store’s SEO campaign, we need to focus on the basics of Magento eCommerce platform. Magento has been defined as an open-source framework or eCommerce website development. This is considered as robust as well as effective eCommerce platform that comes with wide ranges of benefits to offer. Crafting an eCommerce website with Magento web platform or framework is easy, and eventually, the website becomes feature rich. A lot of websites have been designed with the open-source Magento framework. It has different versions for the users. The pro version is used for professional website store development purpose.
Magento based websites are default SEO-friendly, though there could be some issues due to poor website development practices. These poor practices must be avoided. Nevertheless, you need to adopt some tricks to enhance the SEO performance of the Magento based web store. In the following section, you shall find some tips for enhancing your SEO campaign performance for the Magento web store.
- SEO-Friendly URL for Your Website
For SEO campaign for your Magento website, you need to make the website URL SEO friendly. It is absolutely important to adopt this policy, as it comes with immense SEO benefits. Your products are not popular yet due to many reasons. Using the default URL for the product page could be one of those reasons. So, fixing up this problem will help you to grow the value of your SEO campaign. So, what should be the best URL structure? The structure is discussed in the following section.
Good URL Structure:
In most of the cases, website owners or developers follow the basic rule for website designing. The basic rule looks like as in the following section.
Default URL Structure:
Clearly, the default URL does not look professional. Nevertheless, the product name goes missing from the URL. Having the subcategory and product name in the URL structure will help in boosting the SEO performance of your Magento web store.
Apart from these things, the URL should have the following attributes or virtues as discussed in the following section.
- The URL should be short and precise. It is an URL, and thus it should not be descriptive in nature. It must be short, as well as precise.
- The second most important thing about the URL is that it must be “to the point.” There should not be anything that is irrelevant.
- The URL must be simple to understand. Otherwise, it could be difficult for the search engine crawler to perceive the meaning of the URL. As a result, your website or web page would not get the desired SEO ranking.
For optimization of the Magento website store URL, you need to follow a few more tricks. These tricks have been discussed in the following section.
- At first, you need to go to the “Stores” section, and then follow the path as given: Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Search Engine Optimization.
- Now, you need to change the section, named as “use categories path for product URLs” to “yes.”
- Similarly, you need to change the permanent redirect for the URLs. If it is “no” by default, you should change it to “yes.”
- Lastly, you need to change the canonical link meta tag to “yes.”
- Title and Meta Description
The value of the meta description is often ignored by the website developer or website owners. If you want to make your website commercially successfully through an effective SEO campaign, you must add meta description and titles meticulously. Having a meta description is absolutely essential for the purpose of seamless SEO performance. Now, the meta description has to be written with perfection. Make sure that the description section is short and precise. It should be around 20-25 words. It should be poised with important keyword related to a particular website representing a category or sub-category or product.
After the meta description, you need to come to the title section. Make sure that your website content comes with two or three types of titles, featuring H1, H2, and H3 tags. Some of the essential virtues of the titles are discussed in the following section.
- The title should be short but descriptive.
- Main Title should contain the important keyword or product name
- H2 headline should come with a little description of the product
- H3 titles are basically subheadings which make the website contain more interesting to read
- Optimization of Product Images
When you make web store, it is obvious that you would feature images of the products to draw attention with images of the products. Make sure that you use the images carefully. Using the right images is important. Along with the images should come with the caption, description, and ALT tags. When you have all these things, your web page will look SEO friendly. Make sure that you should image with low resolution or web-friendly resolution. Images with high resolution would take a lot of time to load, and that will make your website slow.
- Attach Blog to Your Magento Website
If possible, you should add a blogging section to your Magento web store. At the blogging section, you can talk about different things, including utilities of products, tips for readers, and many more. The blog section will come with SEO benefit for you, and that is why it is essential to incorporate a blog with the Magento website.
For more details on the effectiveness of SEO campaigns, you can check out New York SEO services.