PPC.org welcomes new contributing writers. Our goal is to provide articles that our PPC readers can learn from. We want to offer all our readers PPC tips and tricks. Now is your time to write for PPC.org
We are looking for writers and contributors that truly understand our industry and work in the fields they are writing about. We need properly written articles in English. There is no pay for writing for PPC.org. Again, we want usable and educational information for our readers. We also prefer unique and our of the box info. See our writers’ guidelines.
We do not want any recycled content. Unique and new articles will be considered.
Topics we are looking for currently:
- Google+
- Link Building
- Local Search
- Competitive Intelligence
- Articles on Industry Tools
Posting Rules
- Choose one or two relevant categories per post.
- Three links per post maximum. Two of the three links must be to different PPC.org blog posts.
- No spammy links or anchor text, only one link per post to a personal or business page (fee applies).
- Image names must be descriptive and rich in keywords. The words in names must be separated with dashes (not underscores).
Content Rules
- Post should be around 800+ words in length.
- At least one image per post. Use images that are not under copyright protection. All posts must have a Featured Image.
- Once your post is published, be an you need to be an active participant and try to respond to every comment published. Commenters enjoy acknowledgement even if it is just “Thanks for the comment!” or “I totally agree with you!”
How To Submit Your Article To PPC dot org?
Its pretty simple Simple.
- Get yourself registered as a guest author on this blog.
- After finishing that, go and update your profile. Make sure you fill all the given forms.
- Note: While adding your contact info, add just your profile ID for all the social network columns. Example: In case of twitter, just add your Twitter ID: Your Twitter Username and not the entire Twitter profile URL.
- Visit Gravatar.com and add an image for your email address, since it is a must in your profile.
- Please make sure you have registered for Google+ and enter in your Google+ account URL. Also make sure to “Add PPC dot org to your Google+ Circles“
- Now to submit the article, go to Posts and click Add New Post. You will then need to write up an article and do all the basic things like adding tags and assigning categories. You should also enter in all SEO information as to help Google find your blog post better. Then, click Submit for Review button.
That’s it. Now, if your Article meets all the above said Guidelines then it will be published for sure.
Note: Once you article gets published here, you are requested to reply for the comments which our readers leave. If you fail to do that for one article, then your next guest article will never be published and your user account will be suspended.
Get started and submit your first Guest Post on our site you can email to john [ a t ] ppc { d o t} org.