Facebook is one place that people visit for themselves. They go there to make a status update or to view friends and their activities; or to upload pictures and videos. Amongst all the many things available for a user to do on Facebook, you have to distract him and bring him to YOUR Ad; inspire him to click on it and possibly, make that purchase.
So now that we all agree on the importance of creating powerful Facebook ads, let’s discuss a few tips that should work:
Step 1: An Awesome Image
Unlike other media like print, radio or ads on websites, things are different with Facebook. It’s only the images that can catch attention in such a vibrant ambiance. So, you first need a catchy ad for your product or service.
Step 2: An Awesome Copy To Go With Your Awesome Image
The copy is the next thing that people observe. Once the image has caught their fancy, it’s what you write that’s going to take them beyond. is therefore quite an integral part of your advertisement and it’s a good idea to get some creative people on board to help you with it.
Step 3: Use The Right Colors
You should avoid using the facebook colors, that is, the dark blue because it will most certainly blend with the background and you don’t want that to happen! The idea is to create something that stands out and catches attention. But having said that, it doesn’t mean you go out there being very loud with your color scheme. You need to be subtle, but a slight contrast will work well.
Step 4: Have A Clear Message
Clarity is very important. Don’t leave your sentences incomplete making the user wonder what you are trying to tell him. Look at your entire advertisement once it’s ready. Is your goal clear? If it isn’t, then re-write your ad because a clear call to action is very important. Your Facebook ad should be self sufficient in communicating your idea.
Step 5: The Perfect Landing Page
Don’t make the mistake native business do! It’s again important to take your landing page seriously. A good copy has led the customer to click on, now he reaches a page where he has absolutely no idea what to do. You think that will work? Course not! Your landing page has to be in direct relation to your copy content and advertisement so that the user has clarity. You can offer navigation to your home page or other pages, but the landing page should be apt.
Moreover, with all the apps that are allowed on Facebook, it’s relatively easy to design a good landing page with an interesting design and possibly, a call to action tab or button ”asking” the user to take action. You may think this is a lot, but it works!
For any Facebook ad campaign, it’s a good idea to have 2 or 3 ads ready and circulate them to understand which ones work the best. Follow the 5 steps and your campaign is sure to be a winner!
This guest post was written by Divya, a social media enthusiast working in the field of seo and working with inetzeal since many years. She is a reputed and regular blogger who loves offering business solutions for virtual businesses.

Rob Start
April 6, 2012 at 7:42 am
Some useful tips for creating the perfect facebook ad. Would great to see some examples of your opinion of good ads.
John Rampton
April 6, 2012 at 11:12 am
I’ll put together a good post about this, thanks for the great comment!