When you think of pay per click marketing campaigns, you usually don’t think about logo designs or site design. However every little bit helps when it comes to leaving a lasting impression in the minds of your potential customers and audience.
There is nothing cheap about ppc marketing and you are going to be paying for every single click to your site, so make sure it counts! One of the best ways to leave a lasting impression is to make sure you have a memorable logo for your site name or brand. It’s not so much about building a brand overnight, but you only have a few seconds to grab the attention of the people that are visiting your site and if you can leave your site name and logo into their minds, that can help you over the lifetime of your ad campaigns.
One of the best ways to think about the importance of branding and logos is by thinking about some of the top blogs and sites you visit on the internet. Think about ones that have a creative text based logo, but not an actual image or design. TechCrunch, Mashable, DrudgeReport and TMZ are all big brands that have recognizable logos that we can visualize in our minds without even needing to see them again on their site. They are simple, yet effective.
You don’t have to be a super well known blog to have a memorable logo design. Just take a quick look at some of the logos below that were designed through the DesignCrowd.com marketplace. I’m sure many of them you have never seen or heard of before, however many of them are still powerful brands and logos within their niche market.
When advertising with ppc marketing in the search engines, you are paying per click and only have a few seconds to gain their attention. It’s also a fact that most people will visit your site and leave right away, but some will come back. Many online users will visit the same sites and do research several times before making an actual purchase or take action. If they continually see your brand or logo, they will remember that they were at your site before and this may entice them to take action on your site as they’ve been there before.
Creating an Effective Logo for Your Site or PPC Campaigns
You may be a master at creating your own ppc ad campaigns, but that doesn’t mean you can do diddly squat when it comes to design and logo work. Fortunately there are plenty of design services out there to help you along the way. DesignCrowd is a full service market place that allows customers to connect with thousands of designers who are willing to create designs for you. Best of all, these designers will submit over 100 designs for you to choose from and you only have to pay one low price.
DesignCrowd recently partnered up with PPC.org to create a $400 logo design giveaway. It’s extremely easy to enter and all you need to do is complete the entry form. One winner will be contacted and selected as the winner. The winner will then have the option to create a logo design contest of their choice, whether it’s for any existing ppc campaigns, web sites or even a blog. Good luck!