No matter what type of marketer you are, you can always appreciate a great list of tips and tricks, especially when it’s for landing page optimization! With a new year starting up, it’s time we focused on some new landing page design tips and trends for 2012. Website Magazine has written a great post on new ways that people are monetizing and improving their landing pages for quicker user interaction and greater conversions.
Here’s a quick breakdown of top landing page trends for the new year.
Simple and Clear Call to Actions
Stop making your landing page work to try and convert users… just make it simple!- Smooth and Simple Color Schemes
You don’t need to have a rainbow for a landing page, keep the visitors to your site comfortable and relaxed. Also don’t forget to look at the emotions of different colors. - Make Use of Mobile Users
Everyone has been talking about mobile for years… and now we are finally here. Are your landing pages optimized for mobile use? - Use BIG Images and Videos
The web is no longer text and email based… excite and interact with your site visitors with the latest technology and effects. - Social Icons are Key
Everyone is on at least one social network. If you are going viral and social with your ad campaigns, you are losing out.
The number one trend for landing pages in 2012… and every year, is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! The last thing you want to do is confuse your site visitors and give them options they don’t need.
Creating the perfect landing page is a never ending process of split testing, so make sure you stick to it and keep on tweaking your landing pages for best results.
Mousumi Mahanti
January 24, 2012 at 9:06 pm
Really useful tutorial thanks Zac. I will implement it while designing landing page for my clients. Looking forward for more useful tutorials from you.