It is common knowledge on the internet that the majority of websites that make money use pay per click advertising and Google Adsense. There are many reasons for this that are quickly listed below:
- Wide range of adverts to choose from.
- Great cost per click for each advert.
- Lots of advertisers and competition for ad spaces.
- Remember, it is Google.
However, it is one thing using the most used form of publisher PPC program out there and it is an entirely different thing maximising your profits out of this program. For this reason, here are some tips publishers of Adsense can use to help them make the most out of PPC for their respective websites.
Don’t Always Use Three Adverts
Google has a rule that publishers can only ever display a maximum of three adverts on one webpage. This makes publishers feel they need to use this limit to make the most money – wrong! It’s not about how many adverts you have on a webpage but how big the adverts are. For example, three 970×250 adverts will be extremely overcrowding to say the least. This makes it clear that you should have a maximum advertising area you want to cover one webpage with. Usually, two 300×250 adverts or 336×280 adverts followed by a 468×60 advert in the header will compliment the website quite nicely.
Text and Image Adverts
There are reasons that publishers choose text and image adverts separately. By choosing just text adverts:
- The adverts can be colour coordinated to the website’s theme.
- The adverts will look better and more like natural links.
By choosing just image adverts:
- The CTR of your adverts will increase since image/video adverts have better click through rates in general.
- You are letting some of the more established advertisers advertise on your website (since if they have image/video campaigns, they would have put time and money into creating good adverts).
However, if you are unsure what to use and have no statistics to prove which is better for your website, choose both. Remember that PPC works on the bases of supply and demand. If there is more demand for your advertising space, advertisers will have to pay more to show their advert in that space. Therefore, to make demand as high as possible, you will have to allow both text and image adverts.
Block Poorly Performing Categories
An area of Google Adsense many publishers do not even look into is the ‘Allow & Block ads’ tab. This area of Adsense lets the publisher allow or block certain categories from bidding for ad space on your website. This is a must do for any publisher since Adsense tells you:
- The percentage of ad impressions that category got in the last 30 days.
- The percentage the category contributed to your earnings in the last 30 days.
Therefore, you can block the general categories that have been getting ad impressions but have not converted them impressions into earnings. This enables the better converting general categories to gain more ad impressions increasing your earnings.