Everyone loves learning more about Google Adsense, as they will always be one of the driving revenue sources for many web sites online. Even though Adsense is considered a starting point for learning how to make money online, they are still generating millions of dollars in revenue for many web sites today.
One of the most requested questions regarding Google Adsense, is what are the most profitable banner ad sizes. Google reports that the 728×90, 600×120 and 300×250 banner ad sizes are the top performers. Many people prefer to use the 336×280 banner sizes because they are bigger, but it turns out that the three banner sizes mentioned are the top earners, simply because those are the sizes of banners that the big media buyers and advertisers are using.
For more information on Google Adsense, the best sizes and other tips for improving your Google Adsense earners, be sure to check out the video below from Lisa at 2CreateaWebsite.