If you have entered into the world of Facebook PPC advertising, than you probably have done the initial steps necessary to launch a marketing campaign. Remember, that Facebook ads give you the capability to always modify and improve your advertising. Because of this, you need to stay on top of your choices and make sure that what you are doing works the best for you. If you do this, you can improve your Facebook marketing campaign.
Don’t Forget Basic Copywriting RulesRemember that Facebook advertising and marketing follows many of the same rules that regular marketing does. Just like in traditional copywriting, you need to put a “call to action” within your Facebook advertising copy. The most basic form of this is to ask people to like your page. Getting more fans is the most basic thing you can do with an ad on Facebook, but you can’t just expect people to like you because they use your product or like your brand in their everyday life. Go ahead and tell them what to do – like your page so that you can interact more with them in the future. If you don’t have them as Facebook fans in the first place, it makes engagement so much harder for you.
Create Opportunities for User Engagement and Comments
Remember that you are in competition with a lot of other news on Facebook – people are getting married, babies are born, and the latest awards shows have people gossiping. With Facebook continuously pushing the most popular content to the top of the news feed, you need to remember that Facebook programmers prefer content that has a high comment count. With this in mind, if you manage a Facebook fan page, you need to add status updates that encourage your fans to comment on your posts. This will ensure that you get seen with more regularity by the rest of your fans. Depending on how people have set up their own personal Facebook accounts, it can also mean that their friends can see how they are interacting with your page. This will generate more fans for your page, just through this increased engagement.
Break News
Remember that more and more people are treating Facebook as their number one news source, foregoing traditional media. Remember to tie in any major publicity you have about your company to your Facebook page. If you are planning a media blast, make sure that you break the news to your Facebook fans simultaneously, or maybe even first. They don’t want to be the last to know, that is for sure. In addition, if you offer breaking news, your fans are more likely to hit that all important “share” button. This will allow friends of friends to know that you exist, and that you offer valuable content to fans of your page. This is great free word of mouth advertising, and you need to encourage that type of behavior as much as possible.
Getting the most out of your company’s Facebook page really is about mixing traditional advertising rules and understanding how to get the most out of the word of mouth sharing opportunities that are available on Facebook.
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