Results. In whatever profession you are in on the internet, you need results. Results to compare with the objectives and targets you set yourself. Results to see where your strongest and weakest areas are so you can improve upon the weakest. If you are a blogger, you need to see what type of traffic you are getting and more from your website. If you are an advertiser, you need to see the results your PPC campaign gets through analysing your landing page’s traffic. Here are a few reasons why it should be compulsory for a blogger or advertiser to use Google Analytics.
It’s Free
Google analytics has no running costs attached to it. The whole program is completely free for anyone to use and if you find it difficult to use, there is free help and guidance from Google and many other websites. I know that budgets in PPC are being squeezed due to the economy at the moment and that is exactly why you should use this free service. You are not going to lose anything from using it…only gain valuable knowledge about your website or landing page that you could have never possibly have known before.
So Much Information!
It is true that Google Analytics can provide so much information for bloggers and advertisers that can help them know the exact cause of a potential problem or the reason why they are doing so well. When I started using Google Analytics for my website, before using GA, I thought my website was doing really well since my traffic was increasing at a nice steady rate. However, GA made apparent that my bounce rate was ridiculously high and in need of improving! From knowing this, I have since changed my design to adopt a better bounce rate which has improved my pageviews/day. This could not have been possible if it wasn’t for the in-depth information Google Analytics offers.
GA Offers Profiles
A great way to improve a pay per click campaign is through experimenting with different types of campaigns. Google Analytics can record this and can let you use profiles to focus on different areas of your campaign or business. This is extremely useful: especially if you cannot find the stem of your problem – you can use different profiles to look at specific statistics and from doing this, it should become apparent where your weakness is in your campaign.
It Does Not Affect Loading
To install Google Analytics on a website or landing page, all you have to do is place some HTML code just before the closing <body>. For some people, they will not want to do this if the webpage is slow at loading already. However, Google Analytics has a negligible effect to the whole webpage’s loading time. If it does have any effect to it at all, you are safe that it is not going to impact your results in anyway because if the HTML code is just before the closing <body>, it will be one of the last things to be loaded on the webpage.